❀ Life update number 1
I'm working at Singapore Art Museum! Alhamdulillah for this job. I've learnt so much about the working world and customer service. During our training day, I took these notes:
I tell my colleagues that I'm a serial note taker. I'm sure they agree. |
During my job interview, my supervisor told me that this job would be 60% customer service. Throughout my month here, I've met good and bad visitors. I thank God for both. The "bad" visitors (i.e. those visitors who do not have good museum etiquette) teach me to be more patient and more tolerant. The good visitors, I'm ever so grateful for them, make my day. Alhamdulillah, there are more good visitors than bad, about a 5:2 ratio respectively.
This job has helped me to grow as person.
I keep reminding myself, to be sincere every time I feel like I'm losing my patience. "Ikhlas (sincerity) is to do everything, internal and external, only desiring the pleasure of Allah."
So, Alhamdulillah for this job. Praise be to Allah for bestowing me with such a great opportunity.
❀ Life update number 2
If you've seen my instagram, I had started the #100happydays tag 3 weeks ago, but stopped at day 8. *laughs* It's quite bothersome to use instagram since I don't have a smartphone, so I've decided to stop that hashtag for these reasons:
- I'll be wasting my time! From transferring photos from my camera, editing, using dropbox/email etc...I'll spend quite some time doing this. Wastage of anything is discouraged in Islam, and I certainly don't want to waste time, the most precious thing we have on this Dunya.
- I don't need a hashtag to say "Alhamdulillah" everyday, regardless if it were a good day or bad day (:
- I'll still use instagram, just not on a daily basis
❀ Life update number 3
Uni matters and whatnot. I haven't gotten a reply from any unis, but that's alright. I'm leaving my path for higher education in the hands of Al Mujiib, The Most Responsive (:
Stay sincere,
Nurul xx
Stay sincere,
Nurul xx