Wednesday, 22 October 2014

keep moving forward.

The last part of my wonderful adventure took place at East Coast Park. We rented bicycles and I finally rode mine feeling the freedom I deserved to feel. Pushed off and pedalled like nobody was there to overshadow me. I cycled with the wind. With every breath I lost, I took in tranquility. I never looked back. I kept moving forward.

One lesson I'd learn as our journey started to end, was to trust Allah's plan. We have dreams, ambitions and goals, but at the end of the day, Allah is The Best of All Planners. We plan, but the Almighty's Plan overrides all plans.

The ebb and flow of uni life had made me lose my trust in Allah's plan. Not completely, but a significant amount. It affected me, yes, but it made me learn a great deal why I can only trust Allah in this life if I want to make it through to the next.

My mistakes do not define me. 

Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely.
— Henry Ford

This is a fight that I can win. Aristotle once said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

If love alone is worth the fight, then I deserve to love myself. Know that;

Allah has a purpose for your pain,
a reason for your struggles,
and a reward for your faithfulness.

"...the happiest people are those who are strongest in their love of God." (as said by Imam Ghazali r.a.)

stay kind, beautiful and loving,
Nurul xx