Friday 13 December 2013

The happiest I've been. (part 2)

Loved ones (& their loved ones)


I was finally on the train towards Woodlands! Every single time I'm on a train that goes to Woodlands/Admiralty, I get slightly nostalgic.

When I alighted the train, the situation was:
- Muhaimin and the rest were already at Woodlands CC
- Dhania and Syahmi were probably walking towards Woodlands CC/already there
- Eunice was with Shah (!!!)

Finally met Eunice after more than a year! She's absolutely gorgeous! And the both of them look so adorable (read: perfect for each other!)

We started walking to woodlands CC after confirming with Dhania and rest shortly after. As we were walking...well. I'm sorry Di and Syahmi! -- Moral of the day (so far): If you tell me that you're in a cute, adorable, made-for-each-other relationship, there's no way I can't not tell our best friend.

Anyway, we reached the CC...and guess who else I meet? (:
Let's see...
✓ Dhania's guy
✓ Eunice's guy
(yeah, you can probably tell where this is going)

>> fast forward to the introductions...

*finally* met him. After years (no, I'm not kidding- years) of hearing about this "Izzat" I finally meet him! Its as if everybody else in the DENZ group knows him...except me.

M: Nurul, meet Izzat. Izzat, Nurul.
I: Hi. *nods and waves*
N: Hi Izzat- I heard a lot about you
I: Huh? (he looks genuinely surprised here)
N: Yeah...I've heard you from everybody else...Dhania, Eunice, Zah and Muhaimin and everybody else seems to know you. So its nice to finally meet you for real...
I: Uh-huh...

That was the most interesting introduction I've ever had. Izzat, if you're reading this, its really nice to meet you! There were a few other friends as well that I got introduced to. If we had more time, I'd definitely would have got to know them better. Maybe next time? (:

While the rest continued to play badminton, Dhania and Muhaimin had to finish writing their messages in the book! (Discreetly- well, not really since Eunice knew about the book already. Sigh, me and surprises...*smh*) So finally the surprise was ready (if by ready you mean, the surprisee practically knows everything and her muffins-disguised-as-cupcakes-but-she-knows-anyway had been eaten by somebody's siblings- not mentioning any names, but *cough* Syah *cough* mi, then yes- READY).

The (not-so) surprise!

First...Muhaimin gave her the special notebook! (: (actually, its a sketchbook but scrapbook notebook has a nicer ring than scrapbook sketchbook, no?)
I absolutely loved her reaction...and do you see the "cupcakes" there? (;

My new extended family! (: I hope we all stay close in the years to come...

Once our photo-taking session was over, we all had to go off...and the missing Z was finally arriving at causeway! There are other things that happened at this time, but I'm going save that for, wait for it, "The happiest I've been (part 4.5/epilogue)"! *gasp* (;

Stay inspired,
Nurul xx

--part 3 coming soon!--