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School of Art, Design & Media I took this after a climb up the hill with Mama and Dalilah. Tiring, but this view is definitely worth the climb. |
I've never expected to be studying in uni so soon. This is probably because I've had so many change of plans regarding my future whilst in SOTA. I thought of going to a poly or taking a gap year delayed my mind's preparedness of entering a uni straight after graduating (when I say 'straight', I mean 9 months).
One day I'll get used to the fact that I am studying in a university – that I am an actual university student and I've rightfully gained my spot here in the school that I'm in.
The first week of school was good. Most of the classes were introductory – so the tutors/lecturers simply introduced the course to us and how we will be assessed throughout the semester.
Right now it feels like the calm before the storm. According to the ADM seniors I've talked to, Year 1 Sem 1 will be stressful due to the amount of projects. In Sem 2, we're allowed to "relax a little" (emphasis on the little) because we would have chosen our majors to specialise in.
In week 1, we were given two assignments for two different classes. The classes in ADM are comparable to that in SOTA. For example, 3D Foundation classes are like Sculpture, while 4D classes are like Media Arts/Ed. Of course, Foundation Drawing classes are like the drawing classes in SOTA, but in more depth and greater intensity.
From the first week, I've slowly learnt things about myself regarding university life.
❀ Preparation
Before school started, I found myself ironing sets of clothes for the first two weeks of school. Since most of my classes are in the morning, I would not have the time to get a presentable outfit together if I didn't prepare them earlier. During the recent weekend, I spent my sunday ironing more clothes and completely relishing the task.
❀ Finishing work as fast as possible!
It's good to get things out of the way, especially since I didn't know what was coming ahead of me (in terms of assignments/projects). I find myself restless if I knew I'd been given an assignment and if I'm not doing it. I think that it's good to cultivate a habit like this early in this new chapter so it becomes a constant throughout my journey here.
❀ Timing
It's extremely important that we manage our time well, especially in uni. Not just assignments, but during the day as well. On the days we have classes until the late afternoon, I'll have to use my time wisely during the free periods to eat and perform my prayers. In SOTA, it was much easier to manage this, since the musollah/surau (i.e. area to perform your prayers in/at) and classrooms are relatively nearby each other. However, this is not the case for uni. Since the ADM building has no canteen, we would have to walk a slight distance to get our lunch. This of course, takes time. Just today, for example, we only had 5 minutes to pray dhur (zohor) – and the teacher was already in class!
❀ Money
Travelling from home to uni and back is quite costly (I'm still waiting for my uni concession card to be ready for collection). Just this week I've had to top up my adult card three times. Canteen food is usually about $4.50 and the drinks are around $1.50 to $2.00. Yes, drink prices are usually around that much, but the cups that they are served in are positively small! Alhamdulillah, today, we found out how much more affordable food from the NIE canteen is. I think I'll be eating there more often!
❀ Un-learning and re-learning
Just as Mr Benjamin Slater had informed us during the ADM Freshmen Orientation, I've found myself going through the process of un-learning and re-learning.
Overall, I'm grateful for this opportunity. I also really love my class, G6. We're really bonded and we like doing everything together. Everyone is so friendly and helpful, and I truly adore this warmth we have together.
Have a good week ahead, in shaa Allah (God willing)!
Stay lovely,
Nurul xx