Wednesday 11 December 2013

best day ever

Well, I've just had the best day of my life so far this year. Honestly, after IB exams, I've just been moping around doing...not much. Sure, I went out for events/outings that I was invited to, but it absolutely cannot compare to today. (Prom was something else altogether- and that's a whole different blog post (; )

Anyway, Dhania invited me to work out with her. And when I received her text first, those two words were so foreign to me that I could not refuse. I haven't had a proper physical exercise session in like, forever. I was ecstatic to finally work out/run/do proper physical exercise and you know, meet that guy (read: her guy).

We were also planning Eunice's birthday surprise simultaneously- and we might all make it! All of us! DENZ! So yesterday, I worked on a scrapbook notebook (personally, I think that its the best type of hand-crafted present I've made so far! I did one for Syaza too, but that'll be another post).

Friendship is like the aroma of fresh coffee that entails admiration, trust, love & good memories.

I seriously love this quote- because I find it so true! I don't drink coffee, but I absolutely love the smell of it. I can just sit in Starbucks and not order anything because the atmosphere and aroma of coffee makes me feel so calm and happy. And the funny coincidence is, both Eunice and Muhaimin are/will be working at Coffee Bean! So, how appropriate is this quote?! Hahah.

As most scrappies/scrapbookers would know, once you start, you can't stop. Nope. I have this scrapbooking drive. Hahaha! I hate to leave a scrapbook project unfinished. (Unless it was major, like the scrap boards I did for my literature IB assessment- Individual Oral Presentation.) Anyway, I stayed up until 3.45 am to finish it. Honestly, I could have finished it about half an hour earlier, but there were several problems that came up :/ (darn you inkjet printing! now my photos have icky- but apparently unnoticeable- smudges)

So I slept until Subuh (I woke up at 6.30-ish). Actually I didn't even feel like sleeping because it was a whole "whats the point in sleeping aghjgaksfjkl" kind of situation, but since I was going to work out the next day- or later in morning, rather- I had to sleep. I slept again after I prayed, setting an alarm for 7.30 am so I could get ready. But nope, I slept in past the alarm (duh. I mean, you don't even have to know me to guess that pffsht) We were planning to meet at Woodlands MRT at 9.15 am - 9.30 am. And Dhania called me at 8.30 am! It takes at least 45 mins from AMK to there.

D: Hey Nurul...are you leaving soon?
N: *in the best I-am-indeed-awake voice* Yeah! I'm just getting ready...
D: Oh...okay. So see you at Woodlands MRT at 9.15?
N: Uh, *internal panic*, 9.15 to 9.30-ish?
D: Ok, ok. See you!

Then I ran around my house like a headless chicken because I hadn't packed before I slept! But here comes the irony...

I was the first to reach Woodlands Stadium
- Dhania and Syahmi arrived at 10.20
- And Muhaimin hour later

*insert roll-eyes here*

Anyway, Syahmi wasted no time at all to get us started on the stretching, and subsequently drills. And ohmigoodness, he is such a motivator. Even though I was being all "I dunwanna" to some of the drills, he was so tolerant and patient towards me.

S: Okay, now inclined pull-ups!
N: Noooo, I'm terrible at that. Anything but that.
S: Come on, at least 10?
N: Noh
S: 5! Do 5!

Well, he got me to those inclined pull-ups (thanks, Dhania! You helped me to do 5! That's a record!) And he would yell/cheer(?): "COME ON, HUDA! 2 MORE! 1 MORE!"

And the thing about my name is, "Huda" is used only for family members or majorly close friends. But according to D, and I too agree- it sounded natural. And I didn't even ask him to call me "Nurul" instead like I usually do to people I've just met. (:

Oh, also I ran! Yay! Out of all the exercise sports- I love, love, love running. It felt so freeing to run properly again.

>>> Fast forward to Muhaimin finally arriving, and Dhania and I finish our drills and head for the showers

Man, oh man, did we talk then! I'm so happy for Dhania. (In conclusion: he is definitely a keeper)
And then Dhania had a little situation...hehehhehe I will forever remember it. :P

Then we all went to Al-iman for lunch! 

Photo credits: Dhania
The boys got egg prata, D got mee bandung and I got cockles fried kway teow

Everything was so delicious! I've never been a fan of mee bandung but that mee bandung made me LOVE it. The kway teow (I've been having kway teow 2 days in row, and today makes it 3!) was so delicious. But the cockles were a major let-down, though! If I would have known, I would go for my usual chicken or seafood :/

Since we were already at the complex (its like a tuition hub...idk, like civic centre kind of?), we decided that we should just shop for the cupcake/muffin and the decorating ingredients at the Fairprice there. On our way, we passed a Pets Lovers Centre and we cooed at the animals like "jakun" people. (jakun → like never seen before kind of reaction). And the funny thing is, the workers were grooming/feeding the pets so, obviously, they could hear us talking behind the glass (we were standing outside because a certain person still had their Drink! Not saying names but you know, Drink). Muhaimin even did a voice-over a guinea pig which was so accurate/funny that you would really think the guinea pig was saying it.

M: *doing voice-over*
D&N: *laughing*
M: you think they can hear us?
N: Obviously!
*we all walk away laughing, embarrassed but amused*

I find that the whole situation would have made for a rather hilarious Vine!

After shopping (and much "kacau-ing" from me and Muhaimin to the other two) we found a quiet spot near a block of flats to decorate the muffins (no cupcakes, meh) and do the notebook messages. But Dhania had a curfew, so being a sweet guy that Syahmi was, walked her home. Pffsht.


Throughout the course of almost 2 hours, I learnt a lot. Of course, I can't possibly list down all the details but here's a conversation that stood out.

N: *sighs* All of you (referring to DENZ) are attached and everything, and then there's me.
M: That's because you're our most precious one! *pats my shoulder*
N: Aw, really?
M: Yeah.

In short, I feel relieved more than anything. I was kind of expecting it when he told me the "big news" anyway. But I'm so happy for all of you, DENZ! May your relationships last long and help us build our friendship stronger (as has been demonstrated by today, clearly (: )

Back to the muffin-turn-them-into-cupcakes situation, that icing tube was so not cooperating with me! Good thing we bought two white icing tubes! I still have pink food colouring on my hands as I'm typing now.

It took me much longer than I'd planned...because of the humidity, that stupid white icing tube #1 and we were short on HELPERS. But all was well.

Then Muhaimin and I had to rush to Syahmi's place to pray Zuhr. Thanks for laying out the sejadah and telokong for me Syahmi! Actually I had my own, but it was really nice of you to, because we were rushing. YOU'RE GREAT! :3 His house was so cosy that I felt so sleepy. And that was pretty obvious since Syahmi said, "You look so tired" like, 3 times. Hahah. (And we left the muffins-now-poorly-disguised-as-cupcakes at his house, too)

Anyway, today was beyond amazing. And there's still tomorrow to look forward to! Now I just have to finish the notebook and make scrappy cards for my beloved DENZ, since I'll be meeting every single of them tomorrow! *gasp* *le excites!*

Stay inspired,
Nurul xx

ps: Syahmi's cat and brother are so adorable! (: